Emory Remote Area Medical (RAM) is a part of a larger nonprofit organization that
sets up weekend clinics with partnered communities across the United States.
These clinics provide free medical, dental, and vision care to underserved or
uninsured individuals. In the greater part of Georgia, there are many remote
areas where there is a lack of access to healthcare resources. Nowadays, the
number of rural hospital foreclosures is steadily increasing. By providing free
and publicly accessible care, RAM empowers local communities by improving the
health of thousands of individuals.
By supporting this project, you can help their organization
work towards accomplishing their two goals: sending a group of Emory students to
volunteer at various free clinics set up by RAM throughout the year and helping their group plan and set up their own clinic to be hosted in rural Georgia in
partnership with RAM.
Emory RAM would like to invite you to help them bring healthcare to
even the most remote areas of the United States. Donations of any size are
highly appreciated. You can donate at: http://momentum.emory.edu/RAM.
Emory RAM thanks you for supporting their mission. They look forward to
the clinic planning and future volunteer trips.