Monday, September 9, 2019

Dartmouth Quantitative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program Info Session

Learn More about the Quantitative Biomedical Sciences PhD & MS Degrees @ Dartmouth College!

A current PhD student from the Quantitative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program at Dartmouth College and Emory College alum (’18) will be hosting an information session:
  • Date/Time: Thursday, Sept 12th @ 6pm
  • Location: Emory Student Center, Conference Room N210
Interested individuals will have a chance to learn more about the program and ask questions. Please indicate your interest in this session HERE by Tuesday, September 10.

Click "Read More" for more information about their programs.

QBS is seeking motivated students interested in the changing frontiers of science as data, quantitative tool-sets, and evolving technology transform the landscapes of biomedicine and healthcare. Their philosophy is that the modern biomedical research scientist must be able to speak more than one language to successfully collaborate in a highly multidisciplinary environment.

MS in Health Data Science: 15 Months
The QBS Master’s of Science degree in Health Data Science provides access to interdisciplinary courses positioning individuals to have competitive advantages for careers in Big Data, as well as healthcare and biomedicine that translate to academia and industry. Graduates will have competencies in the management, analysis and interpretation of data from medicine, computational biology, pharma and genomics.

MS in Epidemiology: 15 Months
The QBS Master’s of Science degree in Epidemiology provides training in epidemiologic methods, biostatistics, bioinformatics, data analysis and translational research. Graduates will have competencies in the theory and application of epidemiologic methods to complex problems in population health.

PhD interdisciplinary training in bioinformatics, biostatistics, & epidemiology
The PhD Program in QBS seeks to train highly qualified students in bioinformatics, biostatistics, and epidemiology for careers in academia and industry. Their goal is to prepare PhD students for careers at the intersection of biomedical research and quantitative sciences. The program is interdepartmental with numerous collaborations existing between QBS members and those in other graduate programs at Dartmouth. Each student works closely with a thesis advisor after completing research rotations during the first year. This provides students the opportunity to explore diverse research interests and then make an informed decision when selecting a thesis lab.

For more information please visit their website or contact (
  • Application Deadline: Dec 1st
  • MS Programs: Scholarships Available
  • PhD Program: Fully Funded