Friday, July 19, 2019

Atlantis Brand Ambassador Internship

Apply to be a Brand Ambassador Intern with Atlantis!

Atlantis's goal is to prepare pre-med students for a career in medicine by fostering real-life experience and interactions early on in their careers. They are a growth-stage, entrepreneurial company that partners with hospitals all over Europe to host students for several weeks of intensive job shadowing, group excursions, and cultural immersion. Since being founded in 2012, Atlantis has been recognized by America’s leading healthcare and study abroad institutions such as American Medical Student Association (AMSA), The Forum on Education Abroad, and GoOverseas.

You do not need to have prior awareness of Atlantis for this position. This is a semester-long, paid, hourly position, with an opportunity to move into a more permanent Ambassador role. To learn more about the Brand Ambassador Internship, check out their flyer: