Wednesday, March 30, 2022

UAID CONFERENCE 2022: Health Equity - Investing in Community Health

UAID is pleased to announce its first virtual conference will be held on April 22, 2022, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. The theme of the conference is Health Equity - Investing in Community Health with a focus on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. There will be opportunities for students to submit posters, receive awards, and hear from a group of speakers. Internship opportunities will be announced during the event as well. Students may register for the conference here.

This conference aims to shine light upon the importance of investing in community health while highlighting ways in which this investment helped combat the pandemic. The conference will place emphasis on all the work that still needs to be done in order to improve the overall quality of health of communities around the nation through the work of our speakers and community projects.

 United Against Inequities in Disease (UAID) is a national non-profit organization that empowers students and communities across the United States to reduce health inequities. As a public health organization dedicated to long-term sustainability and impact, UAID leads innovative local community projects throughout the country.  Please visit for more details.