Friday, January 21, 2022

Emory Helps Guatemala 2022 Clinical Trip


Emory Helps Guatemala medical service team is a part of the Clinical Branch in the organization Health and Development in Guatemala at the Emory College of Arts and Sciences. The organization is currently recruiting student volunteers for an upcoming service trip.

In March 2020, we collaborated with Katherine Fuller, a clinical pharmacist at Emory, and Daniela Farchi, the team leader, in leading a 10-day medical service and community development team to Guatemala, through the parent organization Helps International. Our team provided medical care and health education to 698 patients and installed 40 stoves/water filters in the community development division.

We are working on establishing a medical team for our next service trip with tentative dates June 3-13, 2022. We want to invite student majors to volunteer to provide public health resources to communities around Santa Lucía Utatlán, Sololá next summer either by carrying out the educational workshops alongside clinicians or building concrete stoves and installing water filters.

Interested individuals should fill out the Google Form (click the image) and/or may contact Kiara Vazquez Navarez at