Monday, November 15, 2021

The Doctor Is In: Thanksgiving Reflections


Have you noticed the autumn colors over the past couple of weeks?  This year autumn has not disappointed when it comes to the color palette on display.  Walking through campus and seeing more people, driving around town, and certainly spending time out on my bike have all been opportunities to reflect on where I’ve been, where I’m going, but most importantly where I am.  

As the Thanksgiving holiday nears, don’t forget to reflect a bit on those elements of time.  Relative to the past, going home for Thanksgiving always means reconnecting with childhood friends, high school classmates and of course, family.  Thinking about what comes after that long weekend is hard to avoid…papers, exams, interviews, waiting to hear about X, Y or Z options.  But be sure to pay special attention to ‘now’.  Live in the moment, and for the moment.  As I got out and about in my neighborhood this brisk Monday morning on my bike, I noticed a maple tree that was full of bright red leaves just last week, now standing tall, yet leafless.  It was a reminder to appreciate these fleeting moments as they are happening.  And as you’ve probably noticed, the only constant is change.

While reflecting on that tree this morning, I was reminded of gratitude.  Grateful that I could see it when it was bright red, and knowing that in just a few more months, it will spring forth with that yellow-green hint of another season, and the ever-cycling nature will continue. 

Have a break filled with reflection and gratitude, and enjoy those fleeting moments.

-Dr. Batisky, PHA Executive Director