Monday, August 23, 2021

The Doctor Is In: Volume XIII

Welcome Back - 8.23.2021

The campus has started to seem a bit more alive over the last few days.  Driving into work one morning last week I was delayed because of an actual traffic jam!  It was related to new students moving in, and it actually made me quite happy to know that we are on the cusp of a new semester, and a new academic year…but also a new and somewhat different reality.  I took the photo above one morning last week.  I know what’s behind those clouds, and I have faith that the skyline is still there.  Yet, the opacity of the cloud cover might lead me to believe that it might not.

This new year, this new reality that we are stepping into is similar, and I’m reminded to be confident that there is something behind those clouds.  Remember to trust those who have gone before you.  Listen to those that want to help you.  Stay focused on the future, yet remember your past.  We have all learned many lessons as we have navigated a global pandemic and so many other topics that seem to have risen to the surface because of it.  I’m sure you’re hearing news about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare workers, patients and families.  Rest assured that a career in healthcare is not only challenging and demanding, but also satisfying and rewarding.

Be sure to take care of yourself, and enjoy the time you spend here on campus.  One day, the clouds will part, and you’ll get a better view.  I promise!