Saturday, March 13, 2021

Spanglish Volunteers


Apply to volunteer with Spanglish


With COVID-19 pandemic hitting and expanding through South America, many children and young adults in Peru have had their education impacted or stopped by the closure of schools. This has especially impacted low-income families who already had less access to education.

As a result, we created Spanglish as a way to help those who may need it the most. Our objective is to provide personalized English classes to low-income students from Peru alongside college student (and high school senior) volunteers. We are about to begin our third session! 


We are recruiting new volunteers, so please apply if you are interested! There are many opportunities to volunteer, some of which do not require Spanish. We are looking for 1) tutors and 2) volunteers for our four committees (Curriculum Development, Public Relations, Volunteer Management, and Student Management). More information about each position and their requirements is found in the following application form: The application is due March 14th at 6 pm PST.


Training session: March 21st from 11 am PST to 1 pm PST
Dates of Volunteer Program: March 29th - May 24th (can take a vacation week)

Average time commitment: 3.5-4 hours/week (Tutors), 2.5-3 hours/week (Committee)

Please contact us at with any inquiries!