Tuesday, January 12, 2021

2021 Field Scholars Awards Program


Emory Global Health Institute Student Opportunities

2021 Field Scholars Awards Program

The Emory Global Health Institute (EGHI) annually funds multidisciplinary teams of students to conduct global health projects in collaboration with an Emory faculty member and in-country partner organization every year. Emory students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 are eligible to apply for Global Health Institute Field Scholars Awards. Applicants must have an Emory and an in-country field mentor, and they must partner with an in-country organization. Multidisciplinary team proposals must include students from at least three different Emory schools. Students should be enrolled at Emory the semester following their field experience. Summer 2021 Project ideas and information about how to connect with the Emory Faculty mentors leading them are available here. Emory students who are awarded field scholarships receive up to $3,000. Student teams are still forming, and the application deadline is Friday, February 19th. Several teams are looking for Emory College students to complete their multidisciplinary teams, so please take a look at all of the project ideas, especially the Bahamas-based project with One Eleuthera Foundation. For more information about all projects and next steps, please visit the EGHI Field Scholars website.