Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Magoosh - MCAT Test Prep


Magoosh is a company on a mission to bring low-cost and effective test prep to students who need it the most. Magoosh is proud to report that 61% of Magoosh MCAT students identify as underrepresented, and 39% are the first in their families to attend college. 

This year, we’ve been alarmed by how the coronavirus pandemic has further disadvantaged underrepresented and lower socioeconomic status students in their medical school aspirations.

So earlier this summer, we launched a pilot program to provide a free 12 months of MCAT Prep to students who qualify for AAMC’s fee assistance program (FAP), and we were overwhelmed by the positive response. 


Our comprehensive MCAT prep is already priced far lower than other companies, and you can see what it includes here.