Thursday, December 3, 2020

Global Health Case Competition

2021 Intramural Emory Global Health Case Competition

The Emory Global Health Institute (EGHI) invites Emory students from all nine Emory schools to participate in its 2021 Intramural Emory Global Health Case Competition, which will take place February 6-13. EGHI will host Emory student teams virtually in 2021 due to continued safety concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. The Intramural Emory Global Health Case Competition provides multidisciplinary teams of Emory students with an opportunity to address a real-world global health challenge in a competitive and collaborative environment. Student teams work together for a week to analyze a case challenge and develop a comprehensive programmatic solution by incorporating perspectives from multiple disciplines. All Emory undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply to participate including Emory College and Oxford College students. Emory medical residents and post-doctoral fellows are also eligible to apply. Teams are allowed to have one medical resident or post-doctoral fellow as a member, but this is not required. Students can apply as members of pre-formed multidisciplinary teams or as individuals. EGHI will place individual applicants on multidisciplinary teams. The top five teams will win cash prizes. For more information and to apply, visit