Tuesday, November 10, 2020

2021 DART Summer Research Program

The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) DART program offers a summer research fellowship for students interested in learning more about research. The goal of the DART Summer Fellowship Program is to introduce promising students to research, both basic science and clinical in nature, and afford them the opportunity to work closely with a research mentor and his/her investigative team.

The program is open to undergraduate, graduate, and medical students. During the fellowship, students spend 10 weeks working full-time (40 hours per week) in their research mentor’s lab. Students can gain experience collecting data, running analyses, training through weekly didactic seminars, scientific writing, and presenting their work at the annual Summer Research Day.

Eligibility: Medical, Graduate, & Undergraduate Students
Stipend: $4,000
Duration: 10 weeks starting May 24, 2021 through July 30, 2021

For more information, visit the DART Summer Research Website.