Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Webinar - What I Wish I Knew Before Starting Med School

You are cordially invited to Western University of Health Sciences, COMP-Northwest's upcoming Webinar.

"What I Wish I Knew Before Starting Medical School."  Click on this link to register and receive your Zoom invitation.


The webinar will take place on Tuesday, August 11th from 6-8pm (Pacific Standard Time).


Join us with your questions as a panel of doctors and medical students talk about.

·         Financial aid and debt

·         Struggles on the journey through medical school

·         School/life balance

·         "Should I specialize, and when to start worrying about this?"


Western University of Health Sciences (WesternU) is a graduate level health sciences university located both in Pomona, California and Lebanon, Oregon.  The College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific-Northwest, (COMP-Northwest) is WesternU's osteopathic medical college located in Lebanon, Oregon.  www.westernu.edu


If you have questions, please email lrauch@westernu.edu.