Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Doctor Is In: Volume VII

Looking Ahead

Here we are, on the cusp of fall semester 2020.  It’s hard to believe that our campus has ever been as quiet, as deserted, as it has been over the past 5 months, but then again, it would have been hard to imagine living through a pandemic.  Until now.  I hope you’ve had a good summer, that you’ve stayed healthy, well and busy enough.  I wanted to take a few minutes to welcome you back, however that may be.  Even ‘back to school’ has a different feel this year.  Every college campus across the country is different this year. 

I wanted to fill you in on what’s been happening in my world too.  I’ve been busier than ever.  In the hospital, we are seeing plenty of sick patients, and not all of them have COVID-19, yet it’s become routine to answer screening questions on arrival in the lobby, to have my temperature taken and to wear a mask & goggles while seeing patients.  Just about every meeting I have is via Zoom…or some other version of a video platform.  And teaching has been a mix of in person sessions and Zoom meetings.  This year the Emory School of Medicine welcomed nearly 140 new M-1s from incredibly diverse backgrounds, all eager to get started learning both the art and the science of medicine.  And I welcomed another small group of M-1s in the Osler Society.  Teaching clinical skills via Zoom is interesting, to say the least, but there’s still a sense of connection and there actually seem to be some advantages as well.

In Pre-Health Advising, we are ready to get back into some sort of a new routine.  We look forward to not only meeting some of you and seeing many of you again, but also to rolling some programming that gets you prepared as you look toward your goals of becoming a healthcare professional.  It’s a challenging time in our world’s history, and yet we must look forward.  I’m a morning person, and I love being out on a bike ride to watch the sunrise.  Below is a glimpse of what I saw on a recent morning ride.  I challenge all of you to get up, to get to work, to stay woke, to be active.  And keep looking ahead toward the morning sun.  Set goals, and reach for them.  Know that there might be set backs, but keep getting up.  Ask for help, and also give some help.  We are in this together, and that’s how we will get through it.

Welcome back.  We have missed you.  And now it’s time to get to work!

Dr. B