Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Pre-Medical Student Mayo Clinic Voluntary Survey

Updated Post: September 23, 2020

A group from the Mayo Clinic and Quinnipiac is circulating an anonymous survey to undergraduate students to assess how the pandemic has affect them in terms of their future medical school applications. Based on this data, our hope is that the application process can be adjusted in order to fully assess medical school applicants in the coming years that had their education affected by the pandemic. The survey has been updated to better assess socioeconomic factors that were left out in the first survey: 

Original Post: May 27, 2020

You are being asked to participate in a voluntary research survey about how the COVID-19 pandemic has been affecting you academically at the undergraduate level, and whether you have concerns about how this will affect your medical school application.

Medical schools recognize that many undergraduate pre-medical students are going through a difficult and chaotic time right now. Virtual classes, pass/fail, shifted MCATs, and unknown circumstances are likely leading to increased anxiety, especially for those applying to medical school in the next cycle.

If you agree to participate you will be asked to complete a short survey that is expected to take less than 5 minutes to finish. The survey is anonymous, and no identifiable information will be collected.

The benefits which may reasonably be expected to result from this research study are that medical schools will better understand undergraduate student concerns and adjust their admissions process in a positive way during the upcoming cycles.

If you decide you wish to participate, please click on the survey link below:

Research-related questions not listed above, or any research-related complaints may also be addressed to (MS3, Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine). If you prefer to speak with someone independent of the research team, you may contact the Mayo Institutional Review Board (IRB).