Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Emory Master of Bioethics Program - Deadline Extended

Emory Master of Arts in Bioethics Application Deadline Extension
As our faculty lead in the bioethical response to the current public health emergency, we recognize the unprecedented challenges that are affecting all levels of society.  Given the extraordinary level of disruption in all of our lives, we want to make sure we give applicants additional time to complete the admissions process. Emory’s Bioethics Admissions Committee has extended the application deadline from May 1, 2020 to June 15, 2020 to give applicants and referees additional time.
For more information about our application process, please visit our website or email us at mabioethics@emory.edu.

BIOETH505 – The Ethics of the COVID-19 Response: Global, Regional and Local Challenges
Course Leaders: Kathy Kinlaw and Gerard Vong | Summer 2020 | Thursdays 3pm – 5:30pm
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant social and ethical challenges around the world and in our homes. Taught by a range of faculty across multiple Emory schools alongside nationwide guest faculty, this interdisciplinary course will analyze bioethical issues raised by COVID-19, ranging from global issues such as restrictions of freedom (e.g. isolation and quarantine), to regional issues such as allocation of scarce resources in a hospital system, to local issues such as individual inequalities in the practice of social distancing.
For more information about the course, please visit our website or email us at mabioethics@emory.edu.