Thursday, February 13, 2020

East Bay Ophthalmology Medical Fellowship

The East Bay Medical Fellowship is a 1-year full time position, with the possibility for a 2nd year senior fellow position. This gap-year position is available only to graduating seniors and alumni. Fellows will work as medical assistants, participating in clinic, surgery, and research.

To learn more about East Bat Ophthalmology, visit their website: To apply, send a cover letter, CV, unofficial transcript, and 3 contacts, to serve as references to In your cover letter, you should answer the following questions:

1) Have you taken the MCAT? If so when? and what was your score
2) What prereqs do you have left unfulfilled?
3) When are you applying to medical school? How many years off do you intend to take?
4) Are there any other languages you speak?
5) If you were a singer, who would you be, and why?

Applications must be submitted by March 1, 2020 to be considered.