Friday, January 31, 2020

Southeast MedWAR 2020

Medical students at the Medical College of Georgia and are involved in a program called MedWAR. MedWAR is an annual race interspersed with medical and physical challenges. It’s a wonderful opportunity for students, health care providers, and thrillseekers to gain in-the-field experience in wilderness medicine and outdoor adventuring.

Imagine you’re camping with your friend in the Rocky Mountains, days away from civilization. No clock punching, no 5 o'clock traffic, no cell service. Just the two of you and mother nature. You start to carve out your own rocky path when your friend suddenly loses his grip and falls 10 feet. From where you are, you see a deformity in his right upper leg and some bleeding and swelling on his head. What do you do with what you have? How do you get to him without jeopardizing your own safety?

MedWAR is a wilderness adventure race paired with medical challenges that test participants’ knowledge of wilderness medicine in scenarios like the one mentioned above. The race was started at the Medical College of Georgia many years ago and has since spread across the country. A variety of health care workers of all levels including students join the race. The challenges they will face include hiking, bike riding, land navigation, kayaking, and running. Throughout the race they will have to treat injuries and a variety of other medical conditions. To pass the challenge and complete the race, the teams must correctly treat the medical conditions or face penalties as they find their way to the finish line.

This is an exciting opportunity to learn and have a blast with all levels of health care providers and people interested in medicine and adventure! Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 18th, 2020. Registration is open on the website and slots fill up fast! More information can be found at