Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Doctor Is In: Volume V

Welcome back to The Doctor Is In, a blog series featuring monthly articles and photographs from PHA Executive Director, Dr. Don Batisky.

"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire; it is the time for home." -Edith Sitwell

Winter is just around the corner. What does winter mean to you? To me, it means shorter days, cooler temps, sweaters and jeans, hot coffee, tea and cocoa. It also means spending more time indoors. While I appreciate the four seasons, winter is the one that I am most happy to see end. I feel a bit spoiled living in Atlanta. We get winter, indeed, yet it is short and mild, compared to the winters I remember as a child, having grown up in northeast Ohio. One thing that I have found about Atlanta is that it makes our Atlanta springtime so much more appreciated, having gone through a winter.

I also appreciate Edith Stilwell’s quote about winter: “…it is the time for home.” Even the word ‘home’ has many meanings…it could be where you grew up, where you spent your childhood, where your family lives. Or perhaps where you made a home with chosen family and friends. Or where your stuff happens to be at any time. Just remember as we approach the solstice – the shortest day of the year –eventually the cycle will shift, the days will get longer & warmer, and winter will pass again. Wherever or whatever it is that you call home, take the opportunity this winter to spend some time there…literally or metaphorically.

Use that time over winter break to recharge and get ready for the spring and all the new adventures that await you!