Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Georgetown School of Medicine ARCHES Program

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion at Georgetown University School of Medicine (GUSOM) seeks self-motivated, pre-medical undergraduate students from a wide array of majors/concentrations to apply for the Academy for Research, Clinical, and Health Equity Scholarship (ARCHES) program.

This program will engage selected participants in clinical experience, guided research, and community based learning at Georgetown University and the greater DC community. GUSOM ARCHES aims to strengthen the research and clinical skills of promising undergraduate students and prepare them for successful matriculation into medical school.

The program consists of three parts:
  • Research immersion in one of Georgetown University’s premier research labs
  • Clinical rounds with physicians at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
  • Community-based learning with DC-based nonprofits on issues of health equity
To be eligible, students must have completed either their second or third year of college with a minimum 2.5 GPA at the time of applying. All students are encouraged to apply, including students who identify as first-generation college students, students who come from backgrounds underrepresented in the health professions, and students who are committed to advancing opportunities for populations who lack equitable access to health care and/or committed to serving the underserved.

On-campus housing is provided and participants will receive a $4,000 stipend. Students may be eligible for up to $250 to assist with travel on a case-by-case basis. Students are responsible for their own meals/food costs (except for program event meals).