Emory's Speech and Language Perception Lab is currently seeking research assistants (RAs) to join their team. Their work focuses on the social, linguistic, and cognitive
factors that affect humans' ability to perceive and understand spoken
language. Their goal is to
identify how our mind/brain processes spoken language using primarily
behavioral and acoustic methods, but also neuroimaging techniques to
explore the mechanisms underlying our ability to understand and use
spoken language.
The primary responsibilities of research assistants (RAs) in the
laboratory will be testing & recruiting human participants
for speech and language tasks, contributing to literature reviews &
research design, assisting with data preparation & analysis, and
attending lab meetings.
Potential candidates should be second semester Freshmen or
beyond, self-motivated, and eager to learn. Experience with Microsoft
Excel and completion of LING-201 and PSYC-110 are preferred, but not
required. Hours are flexible, but the position
requires ~3-12 hrs/wk commitment. RAs will receive research course
credit for their scholarly work in the lab.
To be considered for the position or for additional information about
the lab and research opportunities, please email the principal
investigator, Dr. Lynne Nygaard, Ph.D, a faculty member in the
Psychology Department and core faculty in the Linguistics Program. Applicants should provide a brief, clear description of their
relevant experience and interests and a copy of their CV or resume.