Friday, February 1, 2019

Apply to Volunteer at Camp Promise

Camp Promise, a one-week overnight camp that is provided free of charge for kids, teens, and adults with muscular dystrophy and select neuromuscular diseases, is looking looking for mature, responsible and fun volunteers to join their team. This is an excellent summer opportunity for those looking for a fun, meaningful way to gain experience.

Available positions include one-on-one counselors to provide personal care and assist with daily activities, as well as program staff (photographers, yearbook editors, camp newspaper, computers, science, sports, drama, music, etc.). Volunteers may apply to any of Camp Promise's three locations (Connecticut, Colorado, and Washington).

Volunteers come from diverse backgrounds and from all over the country. This is an ideal opportunity for individuals who are dedicated to giving back to their community and/or who are interested in a career in the healthcare field and are looking for experience working one-on-one with individuals with special healthcare needs. Many volunteers are pre-health students (e.g., medicine, nursing, PA, PT/OT), interested in social work or counseling, or are graduate students/professionals in these fields. While helpful, experience is not required as  all necessary training is provided at the  orientation session prior to camper arrival.