Friday, January 25, 2019

Texas Two-Step CPR with Education in Medical Emergencies

Are you interested in emergency medicine or health education? Would you like to contribute to a life-saving cause? Education in Medical Emergencies (EME), an Emory undergraduate student organization, is recruiting volunteers to teach compressions-only CPR at the annual Texas Two-Step CPR event on Saturday, February 9th.

Texas Two-Step CPR is a nationwide one-day event that aims to educate members of the Atlanta community in hands-only CPR in a simple, five-minute training session. Educating the public in CPR can increase the rates of bystander CPR to buy time before emergency medical services arrive, and therefore exponentially increases the chance of survival for heart attack victims. Volunteers will be expected to complete a 2-hour shift teaching hands-only CPR to members of the public.

To become a volunteer, you must attend our training session on Sunday, January 27th, from 5:00-6:30 pm, in Candler Library 121. To sign up for a training session, please fill out this Google form:

For more information about EME or Texas Two-Step CPR, email, or visit