Interested in medicine or health care? Interested in making a difference for patients who come from an under-served population? Here is your chance to jump right in!
The Grady Primary Care Center is a high-volume adult medicine clinic located within Grady Hospital. They are on-boarding a pilot class of undergraduate student educators who will speak with patients in our waiting rooms about the importance of colon cancer screening and options for patients to get screened.
Student educators will undergo orientation by an Emory faculty member in early June, and will work for 4-hour weekly sessions for 8 weeks in June-August. They will receive a stipend of $250. Additional funds for parking and transportation are available if needed.
If interested, please contact Dr. Erica Heiman at: There will also be opportunities in the fall semester, but please contact her asap if you are interested!
If interested, please contact Dr. Erica Heiman at: There will also be opportunities in the fall semester, but please contact her asap if you are interested!